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The following story has been constructed from real-life instances.

I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are depressed, just look around. You might not notice a poor man, and find your purpose in Swaraj. But you will still find peace.

Listen! Please listen to me because we may never cross paths again. Make use of me now! I am living my last moments, as far as you are concerned.

Yesterday, I was walking down this very cobbled street when it happened. I noticed two boys. Yes, two boys, who were racing each other up a wall. The elder refused to let the younger one win, but they hugged each other in the end, and then started laughing!

So?..Well,do you not see?

Hmmm. In my dream, this one guy had confessed his love to me through poetry. That has never happened in real life. Yesterday, I was still swimming in these dejected thoughts (before I saw the two boys), when a white polythene bag blew in my direction, and touched my feet. Like the white foam that graces you when you stand at the shore of a beach.

Ahhh!....Do you still not see?

Hmm? No, I am not irritated that you do not understand. I did not either, until some moments ago. Wait......perhaps my words are not getting through to you. Maybe you should read my letter, which I wrote to myself, several years ago.

Dear ego,

You know I have spent countless years trying to find the key to my heart. I have read several books, and I have found THE 5 words that run common through them.

Selflessness. Observer. Action. Love. and Acceptance.

Stringing these 5 words together, I can think of only one kind of person.

A love poet.

Yeah, I think that's bloody cool. Just look at the advantages here:

1. I could fall in love with everyone (including myself), and their imperfections.
2. I wouldn't need a God, I could be one myself!
3. I could fuel myself to 'work' through the thoughts I build, rather than for the money.
4. I could be destroyed completely, but I would survive.

It seems right. But there is still something within this idea, that I am unable to read. What is it?


You want to know? Ahhhh! I have finally got your interest!

You see, I had been satisfied with this notion of 'love poet' without questioning it further, until I hit depression mode. And I tell you, that is quite unlike me.

How do you comprehend love when you feel as if your "soul is being threatened?" Actually, none of those 5 words make any sense then. Perhaps you could eventually accept the situation - but that would be like making a compromise with your heart.

So there must be a solution, a key.

Hahahaha! You have dropped your bag. You are not in a hurry anymore?...

The key....yes, yes, the key. The key is in the sixth word, that urges you to look beyond. The key was deliberately left out of all those scriptures and books, so that you could look within, and find it!

What??!?? Ah, but my friend, I have already give the key to you! It is breathing over these lines.


Anonymous said…
I must say it reminds me of a narration of a play on a huge stage with a dim lit backdrop and actors swirling across the stage playing their due parts. A play that makes sense, giving meaning to some bigger hidden agenda.. :)

One. You should write books
Two. You could write plays
Three. :)
shivf1 said…
Purinja madhiri yum irukku... puriyadha madhiri yum irukku!!
Rohit Kumar said…
Wooah!!!! Sexy write up yaar!!!!
zarna jain said…
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zarna jain said…
wow.. awesme !!!! it totally grips attention and i like the way u have created suspense for a hidden meaning....
luv poet ahem ahem!!!! one of yur DID .. do u knw how many u have???
and i have observed u talk a lot to yurself n yur as per your analysis wat neuropsycho disorder cud this be?? :)
Shunyata said…

You read my mind :)....except for the first 2 points you mentioned! I honestly did not think I was worthy enough :)


Idha dhaan Sir abstract kadhai oda azhage!


Thank you, thank you! This coming from someone, whose stories I love to read, and who I consider way better @ weaving tales!

p.s. Kaise ho? Long time no see!


I was wondering you know. Where is that one person who is supposed to have embarrassed me by now? ;)

Love poet Zarna - isme "ahem ahem" karne ki kya baath hai?

Yea, yea, tu kafi hai re - soon people will forget to label me as Aishwarya, and associate me with "oh, that DID person1, person2 etc.." instead!

Hmm, still discovering so many personalities within me (and the evil ones are not even out yet I guess!) ;)
hmm .. I would have to censor it as one of the best 'A' write ups I have read lately.
Chandran said…
Hi Aishwarya,

Stumbled upon your blog while surfing. Your posts are just awesome! Throughout the years I have been wondering if there is someone who's so much an introvert as you are, I mean the degree to which you analyze yourself. I always get fascinated by self-exploration and have written a lot about it but many find it insane. But now I am happy that I ain't abnormal :) This comment is a collective appraisal for all your posts.

Looking forward for more beautiful write ups in the future.

Shunyata said…
@Vinod : Hahaha...;)Thanks!

@Chandran: Thanks a ton for the turbo you provided through your feedback!

Given your response here, and the articles on your blog, I am drawn to believe that we share the same degree of zeal when it comes to human analysis! ...It is always immensely satisfying to meet such people along the way, and by chance! :)
Chandran said…

Yeah. It's always a pleasure when you find like minded people. Keep the good work going :)


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